The Art of Conscious Balance
The Art of Conscious Balance Reviews
We all stumble over the truth from time to time but most of us ignore it and carry on as if nothing happened. Santosh is an uncommon man who didn't ignore those moments of awakening and has used them as a compass to navigate his way through life and towards self-knowledge. In this book he has lovingly shared some of his insights and lessons that may inspire many others to find their inner compass to understand oneself and one's place in the universe more deeply and truly.
Professor Craig Hassed
Melbourne, Australia
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Medical Education Coordinator of Mindfulness at Monash Faculty of Arts: Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies Director of Education
Monash University
This is a refreshing and easy to read story of the author's personal journey through life. Yet it is both powerful and insightful. Santosh is brutally honest about his character and experiences, which allow the reader to discover or, perhaps rediscover, a deep understanding of their own insecurities and selfishness. Importantly, Santosh provides a way to how we can all become better human beings by understanding, and striving for, a Conscious Balance.
Dr Ian Beckman
Senior Scientist (Husband, Father and Grandfather)
College of Medicine and Public Health Flinders University, South Australia Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Flinders Medical Centre, Australia
My first attempt at a cursory glance through The Art of Conscious Balance failed miserably. Every page I turned to, beckoned me to read it fully. Pretty soon I realised that I could not afford to miss any of the numerous gems scattered throughout this marvellous personal account of a man possessed, who chooses to lose, and wins. So I began from the beginning. From the simple parable of the crow who refuses to let go, I followed Santosh's journey, slowly unpeeling the layers of my being. Gradually, I found myself travelling with Santosh, with ever deeper self-awareness. As I meandered in the gently weaving flow of conscious balance, I found my own journey within. This book cannot be read. It must be experienced.
Vinay Nigam
Melbourne Australia
Academy of Professional Excellence
Are the choices that you make in life educated decisions or random ones? An intensely personal account, Santosh effortlessly essays his decisions and experiences in life in his latest book "The Art of Conscious Balance". There are many times when one is at crossroads and the path chosen is purely "conscious" intuition. This essence comes out in this tough to put down book. Great reading!
Prof Sudha Warrier
Bangalore India
Professor and Dean
School of Regenerative Medicine
Santosh Nambiar’s Art of Conscious Balance shows us that the experience of adversity can serve as a catalyst for personal transformation. By taking us through his life journey he awakens us to the depth of meaning that is possible to achieve in life when we develop more awareness, presence and mindfulness.
Dr Rakshinda Kabir
Monash University Australia
Mindfulness-Based Diversity Services
Santosh's book is a journey for the senses. Evocatively, beautifully written it transports you to the world he has inhabited and thence to the simplicity and power of his message. For anyone seeking to more deeply understand their journey or find more peace I would recommend joining Santosh as he takes you into his world.
Tara Garson flower
Head of Customer Solution Management
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
In this book, Santosh courageously and candidly reveals his own shortcomings and growing pains, and how these inferiorities help him transform. After an arduous soul searching, he went from a mind-dominated individual to a conscious being, similar to the breakthrough of a beautiful butterfly from a cocooned caterpillar. What he left behind was a hard shell of ignorance and self-identification. His journey of transformation resonates with and assures me that I am not alone with my quest for meaning in life. I feel inspired by Santosh's story, and I am confident that other readers will be inspired too.
Khamseng Sengsouvanh
I am inspired by Santosh's courage and honesty in sharing his life's journey in this book. His ability to share his stories and invite readers to reflect on the lessons learnt is powerful and effective. This book presents an opportunity to draw on his wisdom around the art of mindfulness and how we each have a choice to live a joyful and abundant life.
Debbie Lee
Multicultural Business Ministerial Council Member – Victorian Government certified coach and advisory board member.
In this book, Santosh Nambiar outlines his journey from a village in Kerala to a mindful global citizen. It is a raw, authentic, thought provoking and uplifting narrative for the soul. His lessons provide a blueprint on how to transform ourselves which in turn produces miracles for those around us.
Dr Tom Verghese
Speaker, Author, cross cultural consultant and executive coach, founder cultural synergies
This is a story of a small-town boy whose life takes him through an emotional rollercoaster only to come to realise his true self hidden beneath the layers of the conditioned self. It is about finding your own path, your own rhythm towards a well-balanced, grounded and conscious life. The author has beautifully shared his inner journey and how he was able to realize the full potential of the intellect vs intelligence and summarised it as - the ‘art of conscious balance’ for the Six ‘C’s of life. If we forget who we are right now and get into the spirit of this little boy as we read this story, what we will experience, will indeed be our personal reflection, of who perhaps we are with all our struggles in life and who we can be if we are able to realise this simple truth of life.
Ravi Ram Mohan
Multi Domain expert in Green Energy Initiatives
Healthcare and Aerospace
This gentle autobiographical tale has a real sting in its tail, a strong message for those of us who enjoy a good read with some meaty substance. Santosh paints a beautiful picture of an idyllic childhood in a small village in Southern India. A perfect backdrop and loving foundation for a life which from most perspectives would appear fulfilled but which threatens to unravel when crisis appears. And as often happens, a crisis is exactly what may be needed to wake us up from the deeply conditioned way of living. [BI1] To me, this is the real substance of this delightful book, the insights Santosh realizes through his own investigations and eloquently shares will be a help and inspiration for all seekers of truth (and those who do not yet know they are on a seeking path). I am greatly appreciative of Santosh’s (and others) efforts in bringing such a message of hope through the telling of their journey to awakening, there is much to share and many thirsty travellers.
Glenn Grayston
Auckland University of Technology
A book that will appeal strongly to any thinking person, particularly a seeker. As an educator, I found this exploration of Santosh Nambiar quite remarkable in many ways. Most importantly, I was struck by how he relied on his Inner Teacher to find answers to deep questions that have plagued humankind since time immemorial. And I am left asking, as he does: Why don’t schools talk about this? A very inspiring read …!
Dr. Neeraja Raghavan
Founder Director, Thinking Teacher
Princeton University
Santosh's book is a fascinating account of the transformational journey of his life so far. Santosh shares with us the challenges life threw at him at various points on this journey and how these experiences forced him to self-introspect and try to understand the very purpose of it all. He has found peace and a meaning to his life through this process of introspection. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who has the inclination to pause and undertake a self-examination.
Anil Nair
Melbourne, Australia
Senior executive Engineer
Metro trains
Santhosh Nambiar’s book on his inner journey or rather his amazing journey from his picturesque village in Kerala, to his life in New Zealand and Australia is a must read.
Prof. Murali Naidu
Professor – Neuroscience
University of Malay
Thank you for sharing a copy of your new book - The Art of Conscious Balance. I was completely engrossed from the first page. Your story telling transported me into your life starting as a small boy in Kerala with so many questions to this successful corporate executive in Biotechnology in Melbourne. Then the dramatic shift occurs, with the narration of your illness, which creates a very different mood and the story moves into a deeper self reflection phase. You then beautifully share your transformation journey, where your search for meaning takes you into exploring a deeper dimension of life. You then share your answer to the difficult question of who we truly are - pure awareness. I found the book easy to read, yet profound in its simplicity. The storytelling was very authentic and some of the characters in the book seemed so relatable. I really got a lot from it.
Sandeep Chitale
Senior VP
Qualified Mindfulness practitioner through SIYLI/Googles Engage Program
Through the book - The Art of Conscious Balance , which is based on real life experience, Author, Santosh Nambiar has tried to explore his deepest feelings and emotions in a simple yet fearless manner. This is a beautiful account of the transformational change resulting in a whole new life of meaning and self awareness. There are several key pointers to those interested to adopt, learn and practice for their own journey to inner peace. Today, when people are trying to “change the world” we live in, the author’s idea of changing our inner self is a powerful message for everlasting happiness.
Jithesh Janrdhanan
Product Development Technologist
Put this book, “The Art of Conscious Balance”, by author Santosh Nambiar, on your must read list for the New Year, 2022. I was absorbed by the gentle sympathetic writing and the question posed in this book, “Why do we spend our time struggling and dissatisfied when our existence on earth is so short?” Through real life situations and life stories, Santosh shows us how to respond better to the constant chatter in your brain. He had measured his life against a random comment from childhood – that he was “good for nothing”, and his driving force had been to prove this wrong and erase it from his brain. He found that the answer to the original question was, “find your passion in Life.” You can then learn to appreciate the uniqueness of you. All the years of searching for answers had rendered him symbolically blind, and now he had been gifted with sight. As you share Santosh’s life, your senses are aroused by beautiful descriptions – “Despite being so late at night, the city didn’t rest, it was never quiet.” I learned about cast systems in India, as previously, I have only a spattering of understanding. And yes, Santosh, “unconditional love does exist.” Congratulations on a thoughtful, helpful, quiet book. I hope many readers get to share your journey with you.
Judith Flitcroft
A personal journey of self-discovery, sharing profound wisdom and love along the way. Insightful reflections on achieving inner peace.
Vivian Waring
A story that pulls us out of our daily lives This book was such a delight and worth the read. Because there are people out there looking for answers, a perspective about their Self, and a quest to find out "something." The "something" we are all after is "The Truth" within us - which unfolds elegantly in Santosh's book - The Art of Conscious Balance. It is refreshing. Everyone, especially young minds, should read it to glimpse the unknown. The book is full of profound wisdom.
A. Radha Madhavan
Metabolon Inc.
A must read. Within his book, Santosh has attempted to explore his deepest feelings and emotions in a simple yet courageous manner, which are based on his real -life experiences. The book demonstrates a key example of how one can transition themselves in order to lead a new life full of satisfaction and contentedness. The book additionally presents several vital considerations for those who want to embrace, learn, and practice inner peace for themselves. Santosh's further focus on improvement of one’s self, is a powerful reminder of the effects of inner peace, rather than an attempt to change the world and actions of those around us.
Dr. Harikrishnan Kaipananickal
Clinical and Molecular Epigenetics
Monash University
A good guide to living more consciously Our mind is often occupied by thoughts from the past and worries about the future. This negatively affects the quality of our life. A simple solution is to hold the mind in the present moment. The book provides some simple techniques that you can use to remind yourself to become more AWARE or mindful about our conditioned behaviours...which can bring more presence and therefore more clarity, creativity, grounded and well -balanced life.
Sindhu Nair
A beautifully written story that had me think about how I interact with the world and people long after I had read the book.
SMP clinic
A great read for mindful living! If you are serious about getting a grip on your mind, rather than the mind controlling you, this is a must read. Packed with tips on bringing awareness to everyday life, The Art of Conscious Balance helps ordinary people to learn to become more mindful. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world Santosh!
Suji Upasena
Social Entrepreneur, Business Planning Consultant, Social inclusion advocate
The Art of Conscious Balance: Breaking Free From Your Conditioned Self is an inspirational memoir by Santosh Nambiar. Growing up in a tiny village in the southernmost state of India, Santosh had a first-hand view of the casteism and class differences prevailing in Indian society. After moving through a string of homes, including two different continents, Santosh had a cushy job and seemingly cozy life in Perth, Australia. But soon, his life turned upside down when he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2002. Although it turned out to be a false alarm, Santosh had an illuminating epiphany after his close brush with death. He realized that chasing materialistic goals filled him with anxiety, anger, fear, and baggage he needed to shed. To truly flourish and blossom, he needed something more than just intellect. He wanted Universal Intelligence in his life. A poignant and introspective journey toward self-discovery, The Art of Conscious Balance is an enlightening memoir that couldn't be more relevant for the hectic times we live in nowadays. Santosh Nambiar tells his life story and the lessons he learned through personal experiences that moulded his life into what it is today. Nambiar provides readers with valuable insights and practical applications of Universal Intelligence to help them lead fulfilling lives as they chase their dreams. The narrative is crisp and concise, and I breezed through the pages. The most impressive aspect of the book is that it is more of an approach to life in general than making drastic changes. Highly recommended.
Pikasho Deka
Readers' Favorite